Transform your style, transform your life.
Your style is sending messages to the world before you even open your mouth.
What do you want your style to be saying about you?
Do you sometimes feel?
- uncomfortable in your clothes and you struggle to find outfits that fit and flatter you
- that you hate shopping and everything in your wardrobe
- that you have a wardrobe full of clothes, but nothing to wear
- that you wear the same outfits day after day, because you are afraid to change your look
- self-conscious when you walk into a room because you don’t have confidence in your appearance
- that “nothing ever fits you/ looks okay”
- that you’re unsure of which colours flatter you
- that you have to wait until you lose weight so you can dress well
- that you’re fed up of wasting money on clothes that you never wear
- that you’re afraid of taking fashion risks or dressing outside of your comfort zone because you feel like you will be ridiculed or look like you’re trying too hard

It doesn't have to be this way!
It’s time to use fashion as a tool to get the life you want rather than being a victim of it!
Your style can open doors for you or get them slammed in your face! Once you’re through the door, then it’s up to you to back up that first impression with substance, but first you have to get in the room!
And this is where I come in! As a Style and Life Coach I know how much your appearance affects your results (and whether it’s fair or not, it’s also true that women are judged more harshly than their male counterparts). You may be the best qualified, but skills and hard work can only get you so far. You also need to dress the part!

What is if instead, you could ?
- look absolutely stunning without having to spend a fortune on new clothes, lose weight or get rid of everything in your wardrobe
- get complimented every day on your style
- walk into a room with confidence, knowing that your clothes flatter you and are appropriate for the situation
- have a wardrobe full of clothes you love and know how to associate them to create stunning looks
- look forward to shopping again because you know what suits you, you know where to shop and you know what to buy
- have the confidence to go for that promotion, salary increase or go for any other goal you have been thinking about for years
- know how to change your style without giving the impression that you have just come out of a reality TV show makeover. It’s all about ‘YOU, but better’
Well, you’re in the right place!
The Style & Confidence Transformation
Do you want to (re)discover your style and your confidence and see the person you always knew yourself to be when you look in the mirror……forever?
You have to get dressed every day anyway so why not make it fun and make sure your style is sending the messages you want?
Enter the magic of styling, with the right tips and tricks you can (re)discover your style & confidence and step into your true potential.
You will wake up each morning knowing that you love all the items in your wardrobe and that you know how to combine them to send the message you want.

How I can help
I’ve been where you are! I understand your struggles as I’ve had them myself and I know my step by step process works.
I don’t just tell you what you should be wearing. I give you the tools to discover your own unique personal style, and the process to change the way you look and feel FOREVER! As a result of working with me, you will not only look good, but I will restore your confidence to make you feel good, and this will impact all areas of your life.
Every woman deserves to look good and feel good about herself regardless of her age, shape or size!
The Style & Confidence Transformation
This 7 step coaching program teaches you how to dress for your personality, body shape and your complexion, as well as how to fall in love with your wardrobe, without spending a fortune, and I will show you how to make shopping fun again!
During the mentoring program, I will help you develop a personalised “Style Bible”, with all the tips and tricks adapted to your style personality and your specific body shape and colouring, so you can always “Be your own Stylist”
- Find yourself. Find your style -create your style statement
- Determine your life and style goals
- Assess your current situation
- Clear out your style past and address any limiting beliefs that are holding you back
- The 5 basic body shapes and how to dress for each one
- Tips to look your best and show off the parts of your body you love and distract attention from the areas you don’t love!
- Understand the colours that will make you glow
- How to associate colours to create fabulous outfits
- What colour says about you (yes the colours you wear are sending messages too! )
- Now that you know how to dress for your body shape and you’ve found your colours, it’s time to get creative
- Discover who you truly are and which styles appeal to you
- Find your style personality (ies)
- There is no magic list of clothes that works for everyone. Your life, and how you spend your time, will determine what you need in your wardrobe
- Take account of your lifestyle/ the situation when choosing an outfit
- How to do an effective wardrobe detox
- How to sort and organise your wardrobe
- A simple outfit formula to help you create outfits for every day and every occasion
- A simple wardrobe and packing checklist
- How to determine what you need and use a list effectively
- How to avoid clothes that don’t fit or flatter you
- Top stylist shopping tips
- How to shop online to avoid costly and depressing mistakes
The Body Shape Bible e-guide
How is the Program delivered?
You will have seven 1 and a half to 2 hour ‘one to one’ calls with me to work through each of the steps in the program. You can go at your own pace, but I recommend an “implementation week’ (a week without calls) after Step 4.
A final 1 to 1 call can be scheduled any time after the end of the course to review and talk about any outstanding concerns.
Book a complimentary Strategy Call
Book your complimentary “Dream Style” Strategy Call here.
Please allow approximately 20 – 30 minutes for this call where we will go through and identify your biggest struggles, get to know each other a little better and see if we are a good match.
We’ll start by getting crystal clear on your style goals, and dreams, and then we’ll put together a strategy for how to achieve them.
🌻 I offer this consultation free of charge and free of obligation so, just take a deep breath and book your free strategy call today. Your “future you” will thank you🌻.
What our Customers say

I love that Julia’s styling expertise is based on making you feel more confident and body positive. She helps you dress and flatter the figure you have now so that you can feel your most confident self. Everyone has a different figure and she can help you make the most of your assets while developing your own personal style. It can be so helpful and beneficial to have an outside perspective sharing what flatters on your specific figure!
Kathryn N.

A really helpful guide to colour. So interesting to read how colour has an impact on what you wear and how wearing certain colours can influence what other people think of you. Very helpful for personal and business use. A good investment.
Sarah H.